Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bathroom Renovation Progress

When we moved into the new house, one of our top priorities was to renovate the bathroom. 

Where we started:

The bathroom was so small, we decided to claim an adjacent bedroom closet as part of the space. It is a bit awkward as the stairs need to stay to allow for clearance for the exterior basement door.

Since this is the only bathroom in the house, E moved the claw foot tub down to its temporary home in the basement and started the major demo:

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

latest house projects

Patching the hole we cut to air seal the attic by reusing the old lath and plaster:

Replacing parts of the siding that were missed or damaged from insulating the walls:

Officially committing to updating the bathroom (there is only so long you can live with 8 inches between the toilet and the bathtub):

The plan is to incorporate a closet next door to the office/bedroom as part of the bathroom. 

The amount of wood removed from that tiny closet:

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Several weeks ago my mom was in town for Canadian thanksgiving. As we were cooking, Erin walked by and asked if I would hold a flashlight for him because he wanted to "see something". Ten minutes later and we were dividing our time between cooking and demolition.

Unfortunately, while he did find quite a bit of roofing materials, there wasn't much insulation.

After Erin sealed, we were ready for the insulators.