Monday, January 30, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

In Sunnier times....

Today, it is absolutely wet and left me dreaming of clearer skies and warmer days.  Life has been a bit chaotic lately, but I managed to snap some random pictures the past few weeks.  Tonight I am making pizza (my fall-back-plan meal) and green salad with David Lebovitz's french vinaigrette.  I used red wine vinaigrette and added sugar.

E's future avocado plants...

My favourite salad dressing lately...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011 in review

January: The year started quietly, we enjoyed each other and the city

February: had a staycation in the snow and played tourist in our own city

March: visited sis in DC

April: dog sat Sugar Vili, took art classes, went hiking and celebrated Erin's birthday (a little early) with a soccer match.

May: Went to Seattle to celebrate sis' birthday

June: mom came to visit and we went wine touring and berry picking, family visits from California and spent our weekends camping 

July: I spent the month at school in Victoria, BC

August: We spent weekends on Sauvie Island picking berries and vegetables, we dog sat brother again (and had one of the most amazing meals with dad and V at Paley's Place) and Erin went camping at Ross Lake

September: Erin's mom came for a visit, wine toured in McMinnville and headed to San Francisco with sis!

October: watched the leaves change colours and carved pumpkins

November: spent a weekend in Seattle and thanksgiving in Bellingham

December: enjoyed the gorgeous weather, had a quiet christmas in Seattle and celebrated the passing of an amazing year.